~~ ..It's Me.. ~~
Full Name : Fiansi
Nick Name : Fi
Age: Only me whose know
Location : My Luvly Country
Nationality : 100% Indonesian
My wish : Someday I can see my Idol
--> going abroad *esp. to Italy* <---
Fave Food : Sate Padang, Pizza
Fave Drink : Aqua, Orenz Juz
---> Fave Song that spirit me <---
"What I Want is What I've Got"
By : Westlife
E-m@il: f1ansi80
YM : f1ansi80
ICQ : 290778943

~~ ..f4ers.. ~~

~~ ..Frenz Blog's.. ~~

~~ ..Show Me Ur Luv.. ~~

Name :
Web URL :
Message :

~~ ..What U Need.. ~~

~~ ..What U See.. ~~

~~ ..FanListing.. ~~

~~ ..Thank U.. ~~

~~ ..What U Feel.. ~~
Thursday, April 29, 2004

Kebakaran di Apartemen Zai Zai

Tadi malem fi terima SMS dari yeye, katanya apartemen-nya zaizai kebakaran. Ga berapa lama angell telpon fi. Terus angell bilang ntar dia mo nonton tv phoenix siapa tau ada beritanya. Fi bilang ke Angell walopun udah malam klo ada beritanya telpon ke fi. Eh ternyata beritanya disiarin n disitu keliatan zz sedih banget. Mukanya pucat n pas disorot kamera dia lagi telpon2-an. Mungkin dia sdg telpon ke keluarganya dan juga telpon ke f3.

BTW, ini dia salah satu beritanya :

House on Fire Zaizai Stays Low-profiled

Ou Xiang Pop Group [F4], member, Zaizai Vic Zhou, stays at the 7th floor of Taipei's Mu Shan Wan Meng Lu. This morning , a fire broke out. Zaizai's brother, who was staying with him, managed to get out unhurt with his girlfriend. Zaizai, who was fliming Mars at Taipei's jiao qu, immediately applied leave from the crew and went home immediately when he got the news. As the fire started from the guestroom, it might be because the air-conditioner was on for too long, thus allowing the electric wire to give way.

Accordingly, the fire started at 7.10am in the morning, the scenes was Zaizai's brother, Zhou Wei Min where WeiMin & his girlfriend's rented area. Zaizai was staying together with his brother. When the fire station got the news and arrived, smoke was already coming out from the house. The room was almost burn frm this fire, furnitures from the house, appliances & decorations were all drenched from the spilling of water from the fire group. It was a loss, after seeing this, Zaizai of course was in a heavy mood.

From the neighbour, black dark smoke was coming out from the 7th floor window, first it was seeing Zaizai's brother bringing his girlfriend running out of the house, however, after that, Zaizai appeared at the scene, but he was very low-profiled but didn't talk about the fire.

Zaizai's manager, Zhi Xiang Li said, " Zaizai normally rents houses outside, this place which caught fire was actually for his family to stay. However, many neighbours said Zaizai is staying here with his family, often seeing him going in and out.

Thanks to Lian He Wan Bao / xiujuan


dan ini pic's apartemen-nya :

ZZ when he get a phone that his apartement on fire from shooting location !!

Duhhh, ZZ!! fi jadi ikutan sedih apalagi klo fi lihat dari pic's diatas para papparazi pasti tau klo kmu lagi sedih tapi kmu terus2an diganggu dengan ulah para papparazi yg men-shoot kemanapun kmu pergi.

BTW, fi cuman bisa bilang tabahkan hatimu, yaaa. Untung cuman apartemen kmu yg terkena, coba klo kmu terjebak didalam ruangan tsb pasti deh kulit kmu akan terbakar juga *Fi ga bisa bayangin dehh*.

So, jangan terlalu larut dalam kesedihan karena harta masih bisa dicari yg penting nyawa kmu selamat n mesti inget sama yg diatas. Anggap aza ini cobaan dari-Nya.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004


Finally, jadi juga photo2nya Toro. Walopun agak2 Buram tapi gpp, yg penting fi udah usaha dgn jerih payah sendiri ... keukekeke

Duhhhh, walo masih be-te gara2 acara meet n great kemaren tapi abiz liat photo ini agak terobatilah sedikit.

Reno My Idol Pilipalawuuu

Photo diatas fi ambil pas Toro lagi nyanyi Bao Feng Yu (Soundtrack Snow Angel) di acara Sang Bintang SCTV.

Ceritanya pasti udah baca kann, ituw lho cerita yg fi post kemaren ... *._.*

Happy B'day My Little Sista'

My Sista'
Happy B'day My Sista'
Happy B'day (2X)
Happy B'day Sista'

Duhhhh, ternyata di bulan ini 2 orang terdekat fi ngerayain b'day.

Sista', i hope u'll find what u want. Get a success on the future. n rememba' everything can u reach with permission by Allah. Don't forget always remember Allah everyday, everytime. Also always pray to good (5x a day).

The last n don't u forget *I Luv U n Oso Care With U, my Sweety*

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Email From TORO

Kemaren fi dapet alamat milist-nya Toro yg di Taiwan. n ternyata di milist ituw Toro suka tinggalin message.

Nah ini dia salah satu message-nya (sudah di translate sama Margaret):

2004/04/23 07:51:32 :

My dearest fan, I am in the airport right now, using the computer here in the vip room, getting ready to go to indonesia. I am sure "Snow Angel" willo do very great in Indonesia! Wait for my good news. Remember DON'T eat too much! lose weight with me, if you don't know how to, you could buy Margaret Wang's book !

I am Kuo Wei Yun ! Your King !
Typed by Margaret


Yup tuh dia message dari Toro.

Duuhhhh, andaikan aza xt bisa tinggalin message di forum qt (F4fans.net), klo ga xt ya Wallace milist (Wallace Huo FC) aza dehh ... *With hope*

I hope my wish come true ... *._.*

Saturday, April 24, 2004

TORO Hunting Story

Ow-Em-ji ... ga ada yg bisa fi omongin dehh tentang hunting2 kemaren ituw!!!

Ya kecewa, ya Be-Te, ya Sebel, ya nyesel, pokoknya semua udah jadi satu dehh!!

Bayangin aza Fi + Angell pas hari Jum'at siang (fi berangkat dari kantor kira2 Jam 11.00 WIB), qt sempet hunting kedatangan mereka pas mereka sampai di Bandara, dimana Toro sangat ketakutan bgt melihat para fans yg melihat dia pas dia menginjakkan kaki di bandara Indonesia ini. Gimana fi ga bilang klo TORO ketakutan coz pas baru sampe ituw klo dulu Wallace kan sempet tebar pesona n dgn ramah + senyum n sempat mengucapkan xie xie kepada para fans yg jemput tp klo Toro malah lari ketakutan menuju Mobil yg menjemput mereka.

Udah getow, Jum'at Sore-nya (kira2 dari Jam 15.00 - 17.30 WIB) pas pers n conf, fi juga ikutan tunggu mereka keluar ruang persconf n bodyguard mereka (Dimas) bilang ke qt klo mereka akan memberikan kesempatan ke qt para fans yg dgn setia menunggu di luar ruang pers conf untuk photo2 mereka bgt sesi persconf selesai, asal qt2 ga ribut n menunjukkan bahwa qt2 tuh fans yg ramah n ga brutal.

Ampyunnnnn dahh!! lagi asik2nya nungguin Toro n yg lain keluar tau2 para wartawan men-shoot qt2 n juga photo2-in qt!!! Duhhhh, gawat banget dehh!! gimana ga gawat, pas jemput TORO (jum'at siang) ituw fi kan ijin cepet pulang alasannya mo ada acara keluarga.

Rese banget deh para papparazi2 ituw, pake di-shoot segala lagee. Siap2 aza besok ketauan sama boz n yg lainnya coz pasti muka fi bakalan ada dimana2 n juga di acara infotainment juga bakalan nongol ... >._.<

Setelah para papparazi men-shoot n photo2-in qt *udah kayak seleb aza deh* ga bbrp lama Toro disusul yg lainnya keluar dari ruang pers conf.

Tapi fi ga duga sama sekali pas Toro keluar tuh dia malah lambai-in tgn sebentar n lsg balikin badan n buru2 jalan ke luar koridor!!! Yang ada para fans bingung mana nehh kapan photo2nya???

Kenapa bingung krn mereka kan (panitia) janji buat ksh qt2 kesempatan, yaaa plg ga TORO n the others berhenti sebentar dunk buat kasih para fans photo2 mereka, ini malah para artisnya tsb lsg kabur getow aza!!! Padahal para fans sdh melakukan spt yg dikatakan para panitia!!! Huhhhhh Be-Te ... >._.<

BTW kebetulan pas di acara persconf. itu fi ketemu sama anak2 KG (Inprav, Echa_wang, Julie) n juga ada Jenny dari Toro FC S'pore yg emang sempetin dtg ke Indo khusus untuk ngikutin acaranya TORO ... *itulah alasannya kenapa fi seneng ikutan hunting, coz fi jd tambah temenz bow!!*

Selasai acara persconf, Angell langsung balik ke rumahnya, n Fi sama Inprav n Ipah (Inprav frenz) balik dulu ke hotel t4 inprav menginap. n Echa, Jenny, Julie balik ke kamar t4 Jenny menginap(Hotel hilton).

Abizz selesai beres2 di hotel pas malem harinya (Jam 19.00 WIB) qt ber-3 lsg pergi ke studio Penta SCTV, t4 acara sang bintang.

Ternyata disana udah rame banget, bow!! qt sempet ga bisa masuk, untung ketemu sama Echa, Jenny, n Julie. n pas banget waktu ituw julie pegang kartu pers, alhasil fi suruh deh julie tunjukin kartu tsb buat kibulin security sana. n berhasil bow!!! akhirnya qt ber-8 bisa masuk (Fi, Inprav, Ipah, Echa, Julie, Jenny, 2 org lagi ga kenal).

Pas udah didalam studio penta, gileeeeee rame banget!! Pas Toro udah nongol fans pada dorong2an getow dehh!! n Toro sempet bilang *becareful* coz fans yg didepan tuh udah kegencet sama fans dibelakang yg pada main dorong2an ituw.

Alhasil keliatan banget klo Toro ketakutan n berusaha menghilangkan rasa takutnya demi menyenangkan hati para fans. Klo menurut fi sehh wajar klo Toro sempat rada takut sama fans coz emang di ruangan studio penta ituw fans-nya brutal banget sampai2 Jenny bilang *this is very different from s'pore n Indonesian fans very cruel n this is very crowded*

Tapi masa seh, karena ulah2 dari bbrp fans yg ga bertanggung jawab itu, yg lainnya jd kena getahnya ... ga Adillll banget dehhh!!!

Terus pas hari Sabtu Pagi (Jam 09.30 WIB) di acara Meet n Greet fi sama kakak fi ketemu fitra + yeye. Pas acaranya selesai, ga tau kenapa fi ngerasa agak2 kurang sreg!!! Gimana ga Sreg? soalnya para fans termasuk fi tuh udah antri dari pagi n jg berpanas2 ria buat masuk ke acara tsb tapi acaranya cuman sebentar n jg ga memuaskan banget ... *ga seimbang banget kan sama pengorbanan qt2 dimulai dari cari2 n harus beli kaset soundtracknya terus abizz ituw ditambah pula hrs ambil tiketnya segala ke SCTV*

Alhasil tadinya fi mo niat ke Bandara buat say goodbye seblum mrk ke Medan jadi ga jadi, coz sudah bbrp kali kecewa gara2 mereka juga!!!

Tapi fi jd nyesel jg, coz Echa n julie tetep hunting mrk di Bandara untuk say goodbye sebelum mrk menuju Medan, n disana walopun tetep agak2 Be-Te nunggu tapi mrk berhasil dpt senyuman dari TORO n dpt photo2nya juga, bow!!!

Kyaaaaaaaa, fi jadi nyesel abizzz dehhh!!! Kenapa juga fi ga ikutan hunting ke Bandara pas mrk pulang ...

Dari hasil hunting fi kemaren, akhirnya fi dapet kesimpulan klo ternyata pesonanya Wallace lebih kuat dari adek kecil (TORO) n juga ternyata ga ada yg bakalan bisa menggantikan mereka (XT + WH) dihati fi ... *toewwww*

Ow iya photo2 hasil hunting TORO kemaren fi bakalan post disini tapi menyusul coz blum fi cetak, See yaa

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Finally, I get It !!!!

Fiuuuuhhhh... what a Day!!!

Tau ga sehh, kemaren malam fi terima SMS Penting dari Fitra yg kasih tau klo ternyata tuh Acara Meet & Greet Snow Angel ---> (TORO, Margaret Wang, Jhonny Yan) harus pake tuker tiket ke SCTV !!!

Ampyuuuunnn dah, koq susye banget birokrasinya??
Udah geto klo mo tuker tuh tiket, qt harus bawa 1 kotak asli VCD Snow Angel + Kaset Soundtracknya (Warner).

Padahal kan setau fi, Warner dari dulu ga pernah keluarin kaset Mandarin versi Indo-nya (I mean, its always import)

Alhasil, kemaren fi seharian cari tuh kaset via telpon.
Ow-Em-Ji, tuh kaset langka banget bow!!! udah cari sana sini akhirnya fi nemu juga!!! langsung deh fi telpon ke Yeye buat kasih tau klo disana masih ada stock tapi hrs order dulu via telpon. Takutnya nanti pas sampe ke toko tsb kasetnya kehabisan.

Sorenya pas pulang kerja fi langsung deh ke SCTV buat ngambil tuh tiket ... *._.*

Finally .... Finally boww!!! dapet juga tiketnya. Tinggal besok pas mo masuk ke acara tsb fi tunjukkin tuh tiket + 2 kotak VCD Snow Angel.

Duuhhhhhh, adek kecil (TORO) kmu tuh yaa bikin repot fi aza dehh!!!

Eh iya itu pic's yg diatas itu adalah pic's tiket yg fi dapetin dgn penuh perjuangan!!!

Ahhhhh, jadi ga sabar pengen cepet2 jemput adek kecil di Bandara besok ... *._.*

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

F4 Come Back Together

Whuaaaaaaahhhh, senangnya tadi fi abiz dari forum F4fans.net n baca news tentang F4 ... *._.*

Check it out!! ...


Reunion - Fans Ke Le!
Taipei to HK...how much does it cost? Not telling!

It's been a while since F4 have made a public appearance together. Yesterday at 7pm, Jerry, ZZ, Ken and Vanness came from four corners to gather at Tao Yuan airport to fly to HK. They are scheduled to take the 10 o'clock flight to Amman with Jay and Jolin to collaborate on a Pepsi commercial. Many passengers were surprised to see F4 appear and couldn't control their screams. They managed to get a photo with the foursome and get all four autographs.

The craze created at the airport by F4, lead Zhi Xiang Li to comment that after F4 have rocketed to stardom, they mostly travel in pairs and work in pairs or work on their own on albums, movies etc. Ken will be in China to film City of Love and will fly to Beijing to film for the next 3-4 months. That makes it even harder for F4 to appear together.

How much did Pepsi spend to reunite F4? Zhi Xiang Li: "We are signed a confidential contract with them." But he stresses that Jerry's new album will be out soon. He has been going to the gym and practising voice control. He is in very good condition. ZZ is studying and filming with Da S in MARS and hardly been sleeping. WHen F4 arrived, HK fans managed to catch them and F4 were 'forced' to sign until it was time to board.

lian he bao
thx to lilian-onlyf4


Finally, F4 together boww!!
Setelah sekian lamanya terpisah dikarenakan aktivitas yg sangat padat dari masing2 personil F4, akhirnya mereka berkumpul kembali dalam satu kesatuan.

Ow-Em-Ji ... Lihat deh Pic's Ken yang diatas ituw!!
Bikin fi jadi toewwwwwwwww ...

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Wallace Pic's

Ow-Em-Ji .... akhirnya fi nemu juga pic'snya Wallace Huo in his new kungfu Film !!!

Duhh fi jadi inget dulu zamannya fi demam film Thio Bu Ki *To Liong To* koq rada2 mirip yaak??
Apa emang kebetulan nehh, coz klo ga salah Idolanya Wallace Huo ituw kan Tony Leung (yg peranin Thio Bu Ki)

Whuaaaaaa, Look at Wallace Face !!
Bikin fi jadee toewwwwww ...

Ckckckckck, ga nyangka ternyata Wallace main film kungfu juga akhirnya ... chiaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt!!!

BTW klo pic's yg diatas itu tuh yg namanya Michelle Ye.
ck padahal umurnya masih muda tapi koq tampangnya tua getow yaak??
Kayaknya koq ga pantes deh (maksudnya bukan pasangan serasi), kenapa bukannya Penny Lin aza sehh yg kebagian peran ituw? *uupppsss sorry neh buat yg ngefans sama michelle Ye*

Friday, April 16, 2004

Latest News About Wallace New Film

Whuaaaaahhhh... akhirnya berhasil juga fi cari info Wallace Huo setelah surfing maren ...
Kyaaaa, Ternyata film seri terbarunya Wallace Huo itu film kungfu bow ...

Ini info tentang film tersebut, check it out !!!


Tittle :
English Title: The Greatest In The World
Chinese Title: Tian Xia Di Yi Zhuang
Vietnamese Title: TBA
Genre: Ancient / Action / Comedy / Romance
Year: TBA
Production: CCTV
Episodes in Chinese: 35
Tapes in Viet: TBA
Themesong & Subsong by: TBA

Cast :
Michelle Yip Suen - Shang Guan Hai Tang
Wallace Huo Jian Hua
Li Ya Peng
Roger Kwok Chun On
Gao Yuan Yuan
Tammy Chen Yi Rong
Zhou Shun Yi
Damian Lau


About The Story :

This is the summary of what will happened in Tian Xia Di Yi

From Notice of the making crew of the series, this series takes place in the Ming Dynasty and Tian Xia Di Yi Zhong's four great martial artists have to protect the emperor and destroy people who to betray the emperor.

Tian Xia Di Yi Zhong has four owners, , the first owner is Li Ya Peng, whose wife died very early(Go Yuen Yuen). The second owner is Roger Kwok, his character is a bit like Wai Siu Bo (The Duke Of Mount Deer), it's a very interesting character, in the series, the princess(Chan Yi Yung) likes him. The third owner is Michelle Ye, she has a crush on Li Ya Peng. The Fourth owner is Huo Jian Hua has a crush on Michelle. Liu Song Ren is the boss, he's Michelle's godfather.

Michelle name's in this serie is Shang Guan Hai Tang. She will play 90% of the drama dressed up as a guy. as one of the four Da Nei Mi Tan, She'll have many missions to complete in the plot, and many fighting and horse riding scenes and there are many cool things to do as the master of "Tian Xia Di Yi Zhuang", as well as the daughter (Yi Nu) of Liu Song Ren.

About the love story in Tian Xia, she will be involved with 4 guys, who will be Li Ya Peng, her big brother, whom she deeply love yet got married with Gao Yuan Yuan who turns out to be evil; and there is Huo Jian Hua, who loves her since little and sacrafice so much for her....(very touching story with him, she shed tears while reading the script); also there is this King, who is played by Guo Chao, and this really wealthy and handsome guy (haven`t decided cast), all will be madly in love with her role.

Guo Jin An plays a funny role pretty much like Wei Xiao Bao who aften pretends to be retarded. basically, everyone fits their role very well, Li Ya Peng is a generous hero, Huo Jian Hua is quiet and cool, I play smart and active, Liu song ren is deep and thoughtful. The plot is filled with all factors of a commercial production, hope it will be interesting to watch since i`m quite confident with the casts and crew. =)

Li Ya-peng plays Duan Tian-ya, a swordsman in this tvseries so his martial art power is probably great, will have a relationship with Gao Yuan-yuan and another actress(didn't say who), basically there're 2 times he'll be involved in a romantic relationship.

In Ming dynasty, there're 4 powerful martial art men "Tian", "Di", "Xuan", "Huang" of "Protect-Dragon Villa", ie "Tian Xia Di Yi Zhuang" who protect the Emperor, put down civil strife and get rid of evil people.

In this upcoming series, Michelle will have more screentime with Li Ya Peng. In the storyline, Michelle will have a crush on Li Ya Peng, while Wallace Huo will fall in love with Michelle, creating this triagle love.

This is an ancient kung fu series. It will be film in Wu Xi, China for three months. Michelle will be playing one of the 4 students of Liu Song Ren and she will pair up with Wallace Huo. She will also have to do lots of fighting scenes. More information and pics will come soon!

Source : Roger Kwok's forum, Huo Jian Hua forum, Michelle chat log

Thx to : Miki also LPB (for the translation) from Cinple.net Forum

Please give proper credit : fiansi80 – http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/wallace_huo if you post this news/pics elsewhere.


Duuuhhh, fi jadi ga sabar pengen cepet2 nonton film-nya ituw ... *._.*

Ck, di film itu ada tammi chen juga ternyata !!! Ituw lho yg main di film Lavender barengan sama Ambrose Hui.

Hmmmm, kira2 yang namanya Michelle ye ituw yang mana yaa ...

Yeahhhh, nanti deh fi cari lagi info-nya .. *._.*

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

My Mom's B'day

My Mom
Happy B'day My Mom
Happy B'day (2X)
Happy B'day My Mom

Kyaaaa, yang ini musti fi post juga nehh, hari ini My mom b'day lho.
Mom, thx for everything what u've done to me until now. U make my life full colors. Without u, im nothing.
Kayaknya fi ga bisa membalas semua jasa2 mom, walaupun fi udah berusaha n always try and try but semuanya itu ga setimpal dengan apa yg telah engkau lakukan pada fi dari mulai fi masih dalam kandunganmu mom.

The last and most important ... I Luv U MoM

Monday, April 12, 2004


Wadowww... wadowww !!!

Ini gossip bikin fi pusing dehh ... siapa lagi ituw michelle ye *binunk.com*

Coba yaaa itu wartawan, Pasti deh adaaa aza hal2 yang bikin Abang satu itu digossipin.

Check it out this news!!!

Oriental Daily News

Michelle Ye and Wallace Huo were on set shooting their new series "Tian Xia Di Yi." In the series, Michelle Ye portray one of the martial artist, impersonating a male 90% of the time. She does have a triangle love with Li Ya Peng and Wallace Huo but her love with Wallace has seem to heat on off-screen. The two were seem to together most of the time shoot, laughing and cuddling with each other. Michelle Ye is known as the Electrifying Queen have been rumor with numerous males. From stars to businessman. And now, it seem that she has strike again with Hot Newcomer Wallace Huo.

by juliakoko
Thx to : stevenjoeeee for the translated

Please give proper credit to : fiansi80 - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wallace_huo if you post this news/ pic's elsewhere


Klo begitu, besok fi surfing deh buat cari info + pic's terkini tentang Wallace Huo di film terbarunya ituw ... *._.*

Friday, April 09, 2004

Still 'Bout TORO

Tadi fi abis baca artikel tentang TORO lagiiii,bow !!!
Ckckck, koq adek kecil itu tambah bikin ngegemesin aza yaa ... *._.*

Klo ga percaya, coba deh baca artikelnya :

Toro tetap syuting walaupun lehernya masih pakai penyanggah leher

Toro sangat profesional! Meskipun masih sakit karena cidera, dia masih saja meneruskan syuting film Snow Angel, yang rencananya akan promo juga di Jakarta lho!

Kecelakaan mobil tanggal 19 Maret yang lalu mengakibatkan Toro cedera leher. Setelah menjalani perawatan beberapa hari, Toro kembali meneruskan syuting film Snow Angel. Sutradara Hung Shing Hwa mewakili perusahaan memberi ' ang pao ' sebagai biaya perawatan. Karena masih dalam perawatan, Toro harus memakai penyangga leher dan hanya dilepas saat shooting saja. Dengan nada bercanda, Toro menyampaikan ingin mendesign sebuah baju dengan tema "penyangga leher" sebagai kostum saat show.

Sewaktu shooting, penyangga leher Toro dilepas, sehingga untuk berjalan saja harus dituntun Margaret Wang, sehingga menjadi bahan tertawaan orang orang di sekitar tempat shooting. Pada salah satu pengambilan gambar, sewaktu Margaret mengendarai Mercedes benz berjalan mundur dengan kecepatan tinggi, untuk menghindari kejaran wartawan, wajah Toro yang duduk di bangku belakang, langsung berubah pucat pasi, mungkin teringat sewaktu kecelakaan ya !!

*source : Stars of asia*

Duhhhh, adek kecil!! kmu tuh ada2 aza deh, jadi pengen cubit pipinya... keukekeke
Kyaaaaa!!! Angelll, yeye.... fi jadi tambah ga sabar pengen liat adek kecil ---> ga sabar... ga sabaarr... ga sabaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr *toewwww*

Sunday, April 04, 2004


wadowww... wadowww, liat deh pic. dibawah ini !!!

Namanya adalah TORO (adek kecil). Rencananya film drama serinya TORO yg berjudul Snow Angel akan ditayangkan di SCTV sebagai pengganti film 100% Senorita (Twins).
Gimana ? Ganteng ga? ganteng ga??? Menurut fi sehh wajahnya agak2 mirip sama Wallace Huo ... *toewwwwww*

Ow iya tadi fi abis surfing ke stars of asia ... *._.*
n yg bikin fi tambah seneng disitu ada news tentang rencana kedatangan TORO + 2 bintang Snow Angel lainnya (Margaret Wang, Jhonny Yan) ke Indonesia .

OMG... OMG, beneran tuh adek kecil mo dateng??
Aduhhh harus dipikirin neh rencana hunting-nya!!
Angelll, bagaimana rencana qt untuk hunting2 kedatangan TORO?? Jangan lupa hunting kali ini harus bawa peralatan tempur yaa *serasa kayak mo perang* ... keukekeke

Kyaaaa, jadi inget suksesnya fi + angell waktu hunting Wallace di bandara kemaren dehh. Walaupun waktu ituw qt ga bawa peralatan tempur ya, ngell ... *._.*
Pokoknya hunting kali ini (Toro maksudnya) harus lebih sukses dari hunting Wallace kemaren ya, ngelll ... *toewwwwwww*