~~ ..It's Me.. ~~
Full Name : Fiansi
Nick Name : Fi
Age: Only me whose know
Location : My Luvly Country
Nationality : 100% Indonesian
My wish : Someday I can see my Idol
--> going abroad *esp. to Italy* <---
Fave Food : Sate Padang, Pizza
Fave Drink : Aqua, Orenz Juz
---> Fave Song that spirit me <---
"What I Want is What I've Got"
By : Westlife
E-m@il: f1ansi80
YM : f1ansi80
ICQ : 290778943

~~ ..f4ers.. ~~

~~ ..Frenz Blog's.. ~~

~~ ..Show Me Ur Luv.. ~~

Name :
Web URL :
Message :

~~ ..What U Need.. ~~

~~ ..What U See.. ~~

~~ ..FanListing.. ~~

~~ ..Thank U.. ~~

~~ ..What U Feel.. ~~
Wednesday, December 31, 2003

New Year Greeting for Takkey n Takeshi Kaneshiro
Takkey to Takeshi Kaneshiro e

F1 wa itte :


Whuaahhh...ga terasa dehh ntar tuh malam tahun baruan....
f1 mesti banyak merenung nehh..apa aza yg udah f1 lakukan selama tahun ini serta tahun2 sebelumnya....
Walaupun tahun ini ga bakalan semeriah seperti tahun lalu bersama2 my prenz (gimana ga....my prenz tuh thn ini pada ngerayain di Puncak Gunung Sumbing..sedangkan f1...berhubung ga libur jadee-nya ya disini aza)
Mudah2an sehh ga hujan biar f1 bisa ngerayain tahun baru-an di Ancol sambil ngeliat pesta kembang api...but klo hujan ya terpaksa ngerayain tahun baruan-nya di kompleks rumah aza dehh...
BTW wherever i'll celebrate in this night for new year ...i hope n wish my dream come true... also my life is going along smoothly n all that i want will i've got soon...amiin

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Tadi malam f1 abis buka2 komik cerita cantik yg dulu pernah dibeli trus disitu ada sebuah kalimat yg menurut f1 bagus jg lho....

Begini lho bunyi kalimatnya :

"Donna imouto demo...Cinderella ni narukoto ga dekiru"

translate in English :
"A girl, no matter who is she...she can be a Cinderella"

Book title : Moonlight
Written by : An yoshimura

Monday, December 29, 2003

Whuuaaaa....abizz liburan walaupun ga kemana2 tapi banyak banget yang mo diceritain nehh....
Kemaren (minggu) f1 seharian sambil dengerin album-nya Tackey+Tsubasa (Hatachi album)
Yang f1 baca sehh apalagee klo bukan komik serial cantik + misteri yang f1 beli pas hari sabtu itow...ceritanya sehh beraneka ragam dari mulai horor, sedih, lucu sampe romantis juga ada....
Capek jg neh mata seharian komik itu di+ gangguan2 yg ada yaitu keg. sehari2 di rumah (klo liburan n ga kemana2 pasti deh jd Oshin lg)...
BTW...berhubung f1 suka banget ngebaca jadi tuh komik langsung f1 babat abizz sampe ga tersisa (apa coba??)
Ada kemajuan nehh ....f1 bisa tamatin 16 komik dalam sehari...hikz...hikz...hikz

Udah deh segitu aza dulu, f1 musti kerja lagee...ntar klo ga, bisa2 dimarahin sama myBozz.
Maklum klo akhir tahun tuh, banyak yg hrs diselesaikan n ga boleh di-pending sampai tahun depan.....Ciaaooooo

Sunday, December 28, 2003

On Saturday...f1 walking around to Duta suara yang di Sabang...niatnya sehh mo liat2 sapa tau ada kaset/cd yg new release...
eh...f1 malah ngeliat VCD SOL, ya udah tanpa babebu lagi langsung dibeli (mumpunk murah n original pula lagee)...n tau ga sehh disana tuh f1 ngeliat majalah yg pic cover-nya tuh sekilas mirip banget sama "tackey" n tau sendirilah yg berbau2 Tackey pasti dunkk f1 beli...(kebetulan ada bonus kalendernya juga).
Ternyata tuh pic bukan Tackey cuman mirip duankk
namanya se7en (boleh nehh dimasukkin ke list my idol)
Although the cover isn't Tackey but tau ga sehh di bonus kalender-nya itow ada pic-nya tackey....mana pas banget di bulan Februari (koq bisa yaa...)
But yang pasti sehh valentine g tahun depan nehh akan lebih berwarna dehh...abizz dari awal s/p akhir tanggal, f1 bakalan ngeliat pic.nya Tackey terus sehh ....(jadi ga sabar nunggu bulan Feb'04)...hikz..hikz
Terus abiss dari Duta Suara f1 langsung ke Pasar Senen, biasalah mo cari komik serial cantik (temen kasih referensi...klo mo beli yg pengarangnya Yu Asagiri, Yoko Matsumoto n Chie Shinohara)
tp ada jg bbrp pengarang yg menurut f1 jln ceritanya bagus juga...
Pulang dari jalan2 f1 langsung inget sama my frenz (u_me)...ya udah dehh qt jadi sms-an...BTW ditunggu aza yaww uLL (uuppss sorry ya uLL...emank enak lg malam minggu-an diganguin sama f1)...kuekkekeke

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Kemarin hari kamis n jum'at...f1 nonton sekuelnya Home Alone di TV (againnn...)
n so pasti dunkk dengan snack yg banyak n minuman yg seger .....
although i ever watch HA ber-x2 but tetep aza f1 seneng banget sama tuh film.
Abizz kocak banget sehh...ada aza ulah si-imut culkin yg bikin f1 ketawa/i...alhasil make my mom bertanya2 .... (what happened with my daughter???)...maklum pas nonton tuh film f1 kan dikamar n nontonnya sendirian pula lagee...kuekkekeke ...
udah getow kejadiannya until 2 days in the same time (sorry my mom...becoz film-nya lucu bgt sehh)...anyway walaupun dari sekuel yg ke-3 s/p yg terakhir di-HA tuh yg main bkn Culkin lagee but it's ok...yg penting masih bs bikin g ketawa/i
...ada lagee nehh satu film sekuel yg f1 suka banget judulnya Air Bud.
Ow iya terus pas sore2nya f1 nonton film atdb (Finally...i can watch this movie) walaupun cuma ngikutin 2 episod duankk..but f1 ngertilah jalan ceritanya abizz udah diceritain sama my frenz yg kebetulan py VCD-nya
Abizz nonton film atdb...gara2 ngeliat salah satu pemainnya yg cool banget...
fi jadi penasaran...Who is he??? becoz i don't know his name...jadi sms-an dehh sama my frenz (mimow)...ternyata namanya tuh "Wallace Huo (WH)"..... to mimow for the info....
Ow iya kabarnya sehh WH main jg di film westside story..n ga taunya tuh film mo ditayangin jg sama stasiun yg sama (Penggantinya atdb) mulai 08 Jan'04 nanti....tapi f1 sehh masih blum tau nehh jalan cerita film ws ini ... yeaahh...i hope the movie will have a nice story lah...

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Tadee f1...lagi browsing n lihat artikel, terus f1 baca aza dehh .....
ga taunya isinya tuh bagus banget dehh, f1 jadi ikut terharu nehh....it's really so touching article .....

"she describe what happen to me n all around us...it's so beautiful...."


The real score on F4
Charisse V. Villamar
Youngblood (Opinion section)
Philippine Daily Inquirer, Nov 29, 2003
I don't think anyone consciously decides to become a fan. You do not wake up one day and decide to plaster the wall with the smiling face of a pop star. Even teenagers have to go through a process that I would call the "path of fanhood" before they start pasting posters or stickers somewhere. Becoming a fan takes a certain degree of commitment to invest time & effort on someone who is usually inaccessible.
Fanhood may be the lonely and somewhat alien cousin of love. When people fall in love, they become selfless creatures who suddenly find themselves offering their last slice of pizza or the last seat on a bus to their partners even if they are hungry or tired. Fans exhibit the same symptoms: they would skip a meal to save money to see their idol in a concert of buy a pop star's CD. Being a fan, like love, requires a lot of sacrifice. But because fans may not have seen their object of affection in person, much less know his personality beyond what is shown on television, in the movies or on a paper, fanhood is a lopsided, somewhat skewed version of love.
When I was 16, I fell down in adoration of Brad Pitt. I truly believed we were meant to be together. I bought every magazine that had him on the cover or carried even just a brief article on my beloved future honey. I mentally calculated the age difference and created a scenario where we would finally meet in a coffee shop in Los Angeles after I reached the age of consent.
I absolutely did not want to have anything to do with guys my age. They were too awkward, too gawky and too young. It was Brad Pitt for me. I even sent him a recording of my voice with a love song to introduce a connection between him and his future girlfriend. That celebrity crush was as real to me as it was to my friends who were in love with their boyfriends. It took a few years and an actress named Jennifer Aniston to shake me off my infatuation completely. It was that bad and it was that real to me.
After finally dusting off the last remnants of Brad from my system, I looked back at the young me with an amused and somewhat embarassed eye. I had probably missed out on a lot of the normal teenage "kilig" moments because of my intense fixation on a Hollywood star who could seduce a movie audience just by walking into the scene.
College, family and then work eventually ground me into a sensible woman whose goals were more realistic, like starting a career and finding a partner in life's journey. I studied dilligently in college, became deeply involved in sports, had my share of infatuation and flirtaion with "reachable men" and graduated with good grades.
After college, I immediately landed a job with a promising career path. I was a woman with a plan and the "Brad years" became a distant memory.
One day in the office, I heard a colleague humming a familiar melody. The song was in Mandarin so I couldn't understand it. And I could not comprehend why it was being shown often on the MTV and MYX channels. Above all, I could not understand how a smart, professional, twentysomething consultant could put a group of long-haired guys who looked alike on her computer monitor.
I knew them collectively as Meteor Garden. But my friend corrected me immediately: "Meteor Garden is the show and F4 are the actors." "Long hair, Kaye?" I then told her in exasperation. "We don't find men with long hair sexy. We're in the Philippines, and Vin Diesel and sometimes even Jon Hall does it for girls."
After a couple of days of my teasing & mocking, my officemate handed me three CDs, each containing one episode of "Meteor Garden". "Here borrow them, watch them and tell me what you think," she said.
I decided to humor her and I was also slightly curious about all the hoopla, I took the CDs home and invited my sister to watch them with me. Each episode ran for an hour. After watching the first one, I had to admit that the men of F4 had very distinctive, individual looks. Okay, they may have longer hair than the average Filipino male, but their features were different from each other.
Another thing I realized was that their dialogue was quite funny and engaging. There was hardly a moment that reminded me that I was watching actors acting and not characters in a real situation. There was no hair pulling, cat fights, crocodile tears and high octave screeching. It was just light drama/comedy with no pretensions to giving any complex messages.
When I finished watching the third disc, I felt very light. I had a tiring day at work but as I was preparing to go to bed, I did not feel wired up at all. The last TV series that had that effect on me was "Star Trek Voyager" which belonged to a totally different genre. I decided that liking any series that would make a frazzled working girl feel relaxed by the end of the day was worth being labeled as cheesy or "baduy".
I returned the discs to my officemate, slightly embarrassed and a little repentant. I endured her smug, know-it-all look when I told her I was buying my own "Meteor Garden" set.
And so it began. Just as Alice tumbled down the rabbit hole, I found myself falling in slow motion back to the path of fanhood.
To relax after a particularly demanding day at work, I listen to F4 music, without understanding a word of what they are singing. Before I turn in for the night, I watch their concert with my sister and close my eyes while imagining Jerry Yan's dimples and smile. I still work as efficiently, play as hard and laugh as loud, but now there is something new inside me, like a code that only I understand. I have discovered F4 and I am happier because of it.
I have reassessed my theory about fanhood. Being a fan is not a first- stage delusion or a projection of a person's unfulfilled dreams to another. Like the men of F4, a fan has a distinct personality. Fanhood does not automatically mean that a person does not find pleasure in his own life and must therefore live the life that he wants through his idol. Being a fan may mean paying P2,000 to watch F4's concert, drenched and wet like a rag doll, or singing their music while driving home and learning to appreciate the melody instead of the lyrics.
A fan can be a wife and mother who is torn between going out for dinner with her husband on their wedding anniversary and watching the last episode of a Jerry Yan mini-series where he finally breaks off with the cursed leading lady. A fan can also be a person who is just at peace with the fact that the trappings, the labels and even the mockery do not matter.
It is not the best singer, the best dancer or the best-looking idol who matters, but the hearts that are made glad even for a moment by men who have a dream and work hard to fulfill it. I would rather be inspired by hardworking and yes, very good-looking young men than aging and redundant politicians who would serve their constituents better if they spent as much time at work as they do on childish squabbles and public posturing.

f1 mo ngucapin .... to Charisse V. Villamar, 25, is a part-time pastries marketing officer and future NGO worker

Monday, December 22, 2003


Mom...u always there. Eventhough i usually make u angry, sad, or anythink i do it can make u brokenhearted ....

I always stubborn... but u always understand me.

Mom...i never n can't reciprocated ur kindness...or all u do since i was born.

Mom i just can say...thx u mom for everythink .....

I luv u my mom...u r my best Idol .....

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Actually...f1 masih 1/2 pusing ngeliat blog ini...tp f1 coba belajar dikit2 dehh...
Tapi nehh kepala malah tambah puyenkk bgt... *faint*
akhirnya ambil jln pintas aza dehh...minta tulunk sama uLL (ayou_mei) buat ngedesign nehh blog.
XIE XIE ya uLL...akhirnya nehh blog bisa jd bagus ban-get *with full smile*.
Hari ini sebenarnya kerjaan menumpuk...tp seperti biasalah f1 nyuri2 waktu buat ke forum....trs nengokin nehh blog sekalian ngejamu semua tamu2 yg udah datang.
Trs jg f1 ngasih sedikit info lah buat temenz di LC-nya indosiar.....
Udah ahh....nyuri2 waktunya udah selesai...soalnya skrg f1 musti pulang ke rokum tercinta.
Pssttt...udah diliatin sama BOZZ...*ngapain jam segini blum pulang juga*

Friday, December 12, 2003

Finally..i can use this blogger
But i still confused how to do for this blog.... i want to put smilies too.
I must ask my frenz to help me for design this blog.